Wisdom teeth, those final molars that arrive in your late teens or early 20’s, can cause a variety of problems in your mouth. Even if you never noticed your wisdom teeth erupt, it’s a good idea to visit an oral surgery specialist for a wisdom teeth evaluation.
Wisdom teeth often come in crooked or sideways because there’s simply not enough room in our jaws for four more molars. When this happens, your other teeth may shift, causing you to need orthodontic treatment later on. Crooked wisdom teeth can also damage nearby teeth by causing excessive wear and trapping bacteria.
Even if they don’t erupt, wisdom teeth may cause problems. When there’s not enough room for the molars to come in, they may remain under the gums. These impacted wisdom teeth can cause pain, infection, or misalignment of other teeth. Partially erupted wisdom teeth can also cause an infection.
Signs that you may have problematic wisdom teeth include tooth pain, sensitive or bleeding gums, headache or jaw ache, redness, or infection.
Having your wisdom teeth extracted can help you avoid these complications entirely. Wisdom teeth extraction is a common procedure that oral surgery specialists perform routinely to protect your oral health for the long term.