Root canals are endodontic procedures that remove infection from a tooth’s inner pulp or deep canals. In certain situations, a root canal cannot remove all the infection or the infection returns. An endodontist specialist can perform a retreatment or apicoectomy in these cases to resolve the problem.
Both retreatment and apicoectomy are endodontic procedures that treat an infection after a root canal. However, retreatment is not a surgical procedure and more closely resembles a root canal. An apicoectomy is a surgical procedure that an endodontist performs only if retreatment is not an option.
Retreatment - In this procedure, the endodontist specialist removes any existing restorations, such a dental crown, to reach the top of the tooth. The endodontist accesses the infected area through a small hole in the crown of the tooth, cleans out the infection and the previous root canal filling, and seals the tooth again.
Apicoectomy - A recurring infection of the dental pulp tissues or hard-to-reach canals may warrant an apicoectomy, which treats an infection at the tip, or apex of the tooth root. The endodontist specialist makes a small incision in the gum to remove the root tip and the infection and then fills and seals the area.
In both retreatment and apicoectomy, you need to return to your dentist for your final dental restoration.