When you think of reasons to get orthodontics, you may envision a set of shimmering, straight teeth. Cosmetic improvements are definitely one of the most common reasons to get orthodontics.
But did you know that certain oral conditions can lead to more serious issues, which require increasingly costly, invasive treatments? The benefits of orthodontics even reach as far as your overall health.
The following are just a few benefits of orthodontic treatment:
- Improved self-confidence. When you feel like you need to hide your smile, it can affect your relationships and how you feel about yourself. Not only that, but a healthy-looking smile can make a good impression at work and in any situation when you need to feel confident.
- Healthier gums. Gums of misaligned teeth may harbor more bacteria. Periodontal, or gum, disease is a health concern that can affect your heart, too, and even contribute to stroke and diabetes.
- Decreased risk of tooth damage. Teeth that protrude further than other teeth are more at risk for chips and fractures.
- Less wear on teeth. Teeth that protrude or rub against over teeth due to jaw misalignment are worn down relatively quickly, weakening the tooth structure.
- Easier dental hygiene. When your teeth are aligned properly, you can more easily remove food particles by flossing and brushing.